


NotRocketScience_ contains a set of computer programming challenges. The main goal is to provide learning and practice materials for developers.


You are a brave astronaut of LGTS (Let's Go To Space) international space program. LGTS wanted to save money by not writing tests and only hiring interns. This has never lead to major disasters, so far ...


Q & A

A list of questions which might be asked in the future but there is already an answer for them.

Why is mission XYZ so easy / hard?

Everyone's skillset is different (including you). An easy mission for you can be hard for someone else.

When new challenges are unlocked?

I don't know. They are released irregularly. I probably work on one.

Can I suggest a challenge?

At the moment no. I have many ideas which I would like to implement before jumping on ideas from others.

Can I share/stream my solution?

Yes. Please do it.

Will there be any leaderboard?

Probably no.

Can I sponsor the project?

At the moment no.